Hot Water Membrane Devices
Accumulation on various grounds is process present everywhere, both in nature and in human activities. Accumulation in thermo energetics has found its application for various reasons, most often as the accumulation of energy by heating the mass media that are already in the process (hot water, steam, etc).
Theoretically, the use of accumulators is common when:
– there is a difference in time of production and consumption
– production and consumption are uneven.
Application of accumulators in thermal engineering makes sense when there is an interest for one-way distribution.
Since 1993. Termo Simax Inženjering has been involved in construction and application in thermal accumulators. We have developed and delivered a number of these devices for different purposes.
In this field we offer membrane accumulators:
– Atm devices for energy accumulation in hot water installations, with water temperatures up to 110°C (heating installation, ventilation and air conditioning), and higher (on request).
– Blm devices
as constructions for the redistribution and accumulation of energy on the installations for heating of consumer water.